Happy healing for Kind People doing ✦ good things.

We all carry structures within us.

Patterns formed from childhood experiences, ancestral traumas, and past life imprints. They can block the flow of life through our system. But when we learn to untangle these patterns, something amazing happens the structures transform into channels of light, allowing us to amplify universal energy with ever-greater power and grace.



Becoming the Hollow Bone..

Each time we experience suffering or trauma, it creates knots within our energetic system - like eddies in a river. These blockages once served as protection, but now they limit what can flow through us.

Through gentle, persistent work, we can transform these patterns. The structures don't disappear - instead, they become refined channels for light and healing. The more life experience we carry, the more intricate and beautiful our inner architecture becomes. This is the spiritual body that we carry and evolve through lifetimes.

Think of it like a master craftsman's work - each challenge overcome, each wound healed, adds another facet through which universal life force is amplified. This is how we become hollow bones - clear channels for pura medicina to flow through into the world.



Take the Archetype Test and get your complete guide on the house.

take the test 💕

take the test 💕

“Oh my god, I just did your archetype test and some of it was so right on it hurt. It literally contained things I had been told by a therapist about my worldview (the world isn’t black and white). I was so stunned I had to tell you 😄”


the alchemy of being


from patterns to power

PURA MEDICINA ☺ the alchemy of being ☺ PURA MEDICINA ☺ from patterns to power ☺

How deep we go is up to you..

1: The Portal

A living library of de-conditioning and self-actualization protocols for spiritual seekers.

→ Recoding of your inner architecture, filling in any gaps left from childhood trauma or emotional neglect

→ Mindset and conscious creation tools

→ Practical esoteric teachings

2: Plant Dietas

A few times each year, I open containers for those ready to work directly with plant allies:

→ Deep pattern clearing

→ Direct plant wisdom transmission

→ Becoming the hollow bone (vital for healing and medicine work)

3: One-on-One

Shamanistic medicine work to help clean out your conditioning and find your original face.

→ Removal of childhood, generational, and karmic imprints

→ Retrieving lost soul parts

→ Destiny retrieval

I’m Alex Walsh —Nice to Meet you..

As a Shamanic Energy Medicine practitioner ⋆ with lived experience of complex trauma ⋆ I journey upriver to the energetic realm.

Removing any childhood, generational, and karmic imprints at their root → retrieving lost soul parts and tracking for a new and better destiny

So that you can return to your souls’ original blueprint, armed with the lessons needed to serve the collective with your own unique medicine.

Without wasting years of your life naval gazing on your past, white-knuckling it through countless plant medicine ceremonies, or constantly chasing the next magic pill to finally feel “good enough”.

Curious? Of course you are! I think you landed here for a reason.



Take the Archetype Test and get your complete guide on the house.

Alex is such a magical gift! She is so intuitive, kind, and gentle in her approach. When she shared what she saw, I could visualize so vividly the imagery she was describing. One image she showed was me standing confidently, but I had my left hand tied behind my back, representing blocked receiving and all giving. Interestingly enough, I’ve had multiple injuries to my left hand where I could not use it for extended periods of time in my life. I felt lighter and like I was floating for days afterwards, I slept soooo amazing that night and felt so much closer to my higher self, like the line was clear for messages to come through.

- Samantha Howarth

I've always wanted to try shamanic healing and I loved hearing about the messages given and received. I appreciated your gentleness through it all. You remained grounded and I felt supported the entire time. You are deeply talented, and your commitment to your craft shows. Your energy is soft and harmonious, creating a safe space for healing and openness.

- Ashley MacKenzie

It was fate 😍 I had moderate expectations, and the actual experience blew those out of the water! During the session, I felt completely taken care of on the deepest of levels, and in the most gentle ways, and in the session review, I felt I could see myself clearly for the first time since I was a little girl. The days after the session, I felt exhausted, but my energy has come back, and I feel more creative energy and excitement than I have in months! I also have experienced a deeper connection with my partner and have had more smaller, intimate moments with him in the past few days than I would in a typical month. Overall, the entire experience has left me feeling lighter while also more whole. I really believe that this experience has been a catalyst in the healing of my deepest, most scarred wounds. Thank you so much for everything you do, Alex!

- Patricia P.

Shamanic energy medicine is pure magic! It's hard to describe it in words - it's really just something you have to experience for yourself. From the way Alex opens the session with drawing a gemstone through to the beautiful healing songs woven throughout. I was surprised by Alex's beautiful healing voice and the way that I felt it move through my body - I was amazed by how I could feel the energy shifting with her voice. Before the session I was experiencing some really heavy emotions and sensations in my body that I was really struggling to shift. It was beginning to affect my day to day life as I couldn't think clearly. After the session, I immediately felt lighter and clearer and my body continued to feel lighter throughout the following days. I really appreciated Alex's energy - as soon as I got on the call I felt safe and cared for. I really felt that I could relax into the experience. I enjoyed how I was able to just lay down and receive the healing compared to other healing modalities I have tried which require a lot more effort.

- Shae Jones

I've had maaaaany healing sessions in the past and this exceeded my expectations and was such a powerful experience. Your singing was so beautiful I had full body chills and it felt like I was being transported to another dimension! It felt like dense energy was being pulled out of me, and the way you were able to tune in and pick up information was incredible as well. Such a beautiful and special experience. You were a fantastic guide and I felt very safe and held. It was very deep compared to other healing modalities, and I felt the healing happening in real time, it felt like a beautiful sacred ceremony.

- Nina Oberoi