17 Ways to Manifest with The Law of Assumption

The Law of Assumption teaches us that what we assume to be true becomes our reality. Unlike traditional manifestation techniques that focus on attracting things to us, the Law of Assumption emphasizes embodying the state of already having what we desire. When we assume the feeling of our wish fulfilled, we naturally align with the “slice” of reality that contains out desires.


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17 Practical Ways to Harness the Law of Assumption:

1. Live From the End (please do these title in H4)

Instead of hoping for your desires, live as though they're already yours. When you wake up, embody the version of yourself who already has what you want. How would you think, feel, and act if your desire was already fulfilled? Make decisions from this empowered state of being.

2. Revise Your Self-Concept

Your self-concept creates your reality. Start consciously choosing assumptions about yourself that align with your desires. Replace thoughts like "I'm always struggling" with "Everything works out perfectly for me." Your new assumptions will reshape your reality.

3. Practice Mental Diet

Monitor your thoughts carefully throughout the day. When you catch yourself in negative assumptions, immediately replace them with preferred ones. Remember, every thought is either manifesting or blocking your desires.

4. Use "Remember When" Technique

Speak about your current challenges in past tense, as if they're already resolved. "Remember when I was looking for my dream job? Now I love going to work every day!" This creates a psychological shift that accelerates manifestation.

5. Write in Present Tense

Journal as if you're already living your desired reality. Instead of "I want to be confident," write "I am confident." Your subconscious mind accepts these statements as truth and begins creating matching experiences.

6. Create Affirming Inner Conversations

Pay attention to your internal dialogue. When you think about your desire, have inner conversations that confirm its fulfillment. Imagine supportive friends congratulating you on your success.

7. Persist in the Assumption

When circumstances don't yet reflect your desire, double down on your assumption. External reality is just reflecting old beliefs. Persist in your new assumption until it manifests.

8. Focus on the Feeling

Identify the feeling of having your desire fulfilled. Is it security? Freedom? Love? Generate this feeling in your body now, knowing that feeling precedes manifestation.

9. Act From Your Desired State

Make choices aligned with who you're becoming. If you're assuming wealth, would you check prices before ordering at a restaurant? Align your actions with your assumptions.

10. Practice State Mastery

Throughout the day, consciously choose which state you occupy. Feeling anxious? Step into the state of confidence. Feeling lack? Step into abundance. You have the power to choose your state.

11. Use "I Remember" Technique

Start sentences with "I remember" to bring past manifestations into present awareness. "I remember when this seemed impossible, but now it's my reality." This builds faith in your manifesting abilities.

12. Create Evidence Lists

Keep a daily list of events that prove your assumption is true. Even small signs count. This trains your mind to spot evidence supporting your new reality.

13. Embody Naturalness

Your desire should feel natural, not miraculous. If having abundance feels unnatural, persist in assuming it until it becomes your normal state of being.

14. Release the Old Story

Stop telling the story of why you can't have what you want. Your past circumstances don't determine your future unless you continue to assume they do.

15. Practice Self-Persuasion

Convince yourself of your new reality through persistent assumption. When doubts arise, gently remind yourself of what you know to be true.

16. Live in the Wish Fulfilled

Make your desired end state your primary residence. Visit thoughts of lack or limitation briefly if they arise, but always return home to your assumption.

17. Trust Your Power

Remember that consciousness is the only reality. Your assumptions shape your world. Trust in your power to assume a new state and watch your reality transform to match it.

The Law of Assumption isn't about forcing changes through willpower. It's about naturally embodying your desired state until it manifests in your physical reality. The key is persistence and faith in your assumptions.

The power to change your reality lies in your assumptions. Choose them wisely, persist faithfully, and watch your world transform to match your inner state.


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