Lenormand Card Meanings: A Beginner's Guide

These captivating cards have been used for centuries to gain insight, clarity, and guidance in various aspects of life.

In this blog we'll dive into the basics of Lenormand cards and uncover the meanings behind each card.


What are Lenormand Cards?

Lenormand cards are a deck of 36 cards, each featuring a unique symbol or image. The deck is named after the famous French fortune-teller, Marie Anne Lenormand, who was known for her exceptional divination skills in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Unlike Tarot cards, which are rich in symbolism and can have complex interpretations, Lenormand cards are more straightforward and practical in their meanings.

The 36 Lenormand Cards and Their Meanings

  • Rider: News, messages, or a visitor

  • Clover: Luck, opportunities, or a happy surprise

  • Ship: Travel, adventure, or a journey (literal or figurative)

  • House: Home, family, or a sense of security

  • Tree: Health, growth, or personal development

  • Clouds: Confusion, uncertainty, or a challenging situation

  • Snake: Betrayal, deception, or a hidden threat

  • Coffin: Endings, loss, or a period of mourning

  • Bouquet: Happiness, appreciation, or a gift

  • Scythe: Sudden changes, a clean break, or a sharp decision

  • Whip: Arguments, conflict, or repetitive patterns

  • Birds: Communication, gossip, or a busy social life

  • Child: New beginnings, innocence, or a fresh start

  • Fox: Cunning, strategy, or a need for caution

  • Bear: Strength, authority, or a powerful figure

  • Stars: Hope, guidance, or a sense of purpose

  • Stork: Change, transformation, or a new phase in life

  • Dog: Loyalty, friendship, or a trusted companion

  • Tower: Isolation, loneliness, or a need for solitude

  • Garden: Public events, social gatherings, or a sense of community

  • Mountain: Obstacles, challenges, or a need for perseverance

  • Crossroad: Choices, decisions, or a turning point

  • Mice: Loss, theft, or a need for caution

  • Heart: Love, emotions, or a close relationship

  • Ring: Commitments, contracts, or a long-term partnership

  • Book: Secrets, knowledge, or a need for study

  • Letter: Important news, official documents, or a written message

  • Man: A significant male figure or masculine energy

  • Woman: A significant female figure or feminine energy

  • Lily: Peace, harmony, or a sense of purity

  • Sun: Success, positivity, or a bright outlook

  • Moon: Intuition, emotions, or a need for reflection

  • Key: Solutions, breakthroughs, or a sense of clarity

  • Fish: Abundance, prosperity, or a financial matter

  • Anchor: Stability, security, or a sense of grounding

  • Cross: Burdens, challenges, or a test of faith


Putting It All Together

Lenormand readings often involve laying out a series of cards in a specific spread or pattern. The position of each card and its relationship to the surrounding cards can provide a detailed story or message.

One of the most popular Lenormand spreads is the 3-card spread, which can offer a quick and simple answer to a specific question.

Another common spread is the 9-card square, which provides a more in-depth look at a situation, covering the past, present, and future influences.

Embracing the Wisdom of Lenormand

Lenormand cards are a powerful tool for self-discovery, problem-solving, and gaining a fresh perspective on life's challenges. By familiarizing yourself with the meanings of each card and practicing various spreads, you can develop your intuition and tap into the wisdom of these fascinating cards.

Remember, the key to a successful Lenormand reading is to trust your instincts and allow the cards to guide you.

With practice, patience, and an open mind, you'll soon be unlocking the secrets of these captivating cards and gaining valuable insights into your life's journey.

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