Why Balancing This One Chakra Could Change Your Life
We often hear about the importance of balancing all seven chakras. But what if I told you that focusing on just one chakra could be the key to unlocking profound transformation in your life?
This isn't about a one-size-fits-all approach to chakra healing. Instead, it's about discovering your unique "queen portal" chakra – the gateway to aligning your entire energy system and catalyzing deep, lasting change.
The Chakra System: More Than Energy Centers
To understand the power of the queen portal chakra, we first need to shift our perspective on the chakra system itself. In the Q'ero lineage of shamanic energy medicine, chakras are viewed as portals through which we can remove unwanted imprints and karmic patterns.
Each of us carries core wounds that may affect several chakras. However, there's always one chakra that acts as the primary gateway to all the others. This is your queen portal – the lowest of the affected chakras for that particular issue – and focusing on this one chakra could be the key to bringing your whole energy system into alignment.
The Power of the Queen Portal
To understand the power of the queen portal chakra, we need to envision the chakra system in a new light. Rather than seeing it as a series of isolated energy centers, imagine it as an interconnected system with a cosmic flow.
When we work with the queen portal chakra - the lowest affected chakra in your system - we initiate a powerful cleansing process. This chakra acts as a drain, pulling down and clearing out imprints, traumas, and energetic blockages not just from itself, but from all the chakras above it and the luminous energy field as a whole.
Nature abhors a vacuum, and your energy system is no exception. As the lower chakras are cleared, it creates space for fresh, healing energy to flow in. This healing energy doesn't come from below, but flows from the wirachocha (the 8th chakra) of the shamanic practitioner working on you - our personal connection to the divine and cosmic consciousness.
This descending flow of pure, uncontaminated energy from the 8th chakra fills in any gaps left by the cleansing process, rejuvenating and rebalancing your entire chakra system from top to bottom. It's like a cosmic cleanse and refill, with your queen portal chakra acting as the catalyst for this whole-system renewal.
By clearing out the lowest affected chakra, you're not just addressing one area of your life - you're initiating a domino effect of healing that cascades through your entire energetic system, inviting in fresh, high-vibrational energy to take the place of old, stagnant patterns.
Identifying and balancing your queen portal chakra can:
Break repetitive patterns
Release deep-seated traumas
Align your highest destiny
Improve your overall energy flow
Enhance your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being
The Uniqueness of Your Energy System
Here's where it gets interesting: your queen portal chakra is unique to the issue you’re working on. In one session it may be the root, in another the throat; although it’s very rare to be the third eye or crown - it does happen! It's not about following a prescribed method of chakra healing, it’s about tracking your unique energy system and identifying which of your chakras is the queen portal for each specific issue.
The Luminous Energy Field and Chakra Healing
To fully grasp the significance of the queen portal chakra, we need to understand the concept of the luminous energy field. In shamanic tradition, the luminous energy field is seen as the cosmic blueprint that shapes your existence. It's an energetic torus emanating from your central channel, connecting you to the rest of the Universe.
This cosmic highway links you to the matrix of everything that is, a profound connection containing information that can either harm or heal. Your luminous energy field encapsulates an intricate record of traumas, former lifetimes, and karmic imprints. While positive experiences leave no mark, traumas become engraved, leading to repetitive patterns that we project out into the world.
By working with your queen portal chakra, we can access and transmute these imprints, cleaning out your energetic system. This energetic cleansing then flows downriver, transforming your thoughts, emotions, and even your physical health.
If you're feeling called to explore this powerful approach to chakra healing, I invite you to get in touch. Together, we can uncover your queen portal chakra and begin the transformative journey of aligning your entire energy system. Your path to deep, lasting change starts here 👇
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